Friday, June 20, 2008

Secret Admirer

You are …….
You are what my eyes see now
Yesterday was troubled in paths, embodied with cries and laughs
I was thinking, perhaps, we can have a chat
A morning breakfast in telling of our past,
Maybe a bloomed noon picnic in grass, with a rose on top of the toast
It’s Plucked for you, to tickle your toes
Who knows? If ask perhaps you wont go
Deserted I’ll be alone to walk the road w/ such a cold soul
So search I roam.
Stare to a cloud, where out thou?
Embellish your cheers; taste your tears, perhaps can I be allowed?
I notice only you in a large crowd
Grab my hand; look to me to see …im just a man,
Friend with a pen that can write your name
a thousand times and over again
Such beauty discovered, look to your face and wonder,
But how these words my tongue can’t utter
Perhaps your heart belongs to another
Why bother, for I don’t have nothing to offer
I shouldn’t dare, probably don’t even compare…
I’ll just watch. …while you talk
I’ll just watch, stare as you walk …..away
In dismay I ache in stray
I was thinking, perhaps. …maybe …one day

PERHAPS (secret admire)(Heidi, before I got to know her)