Lay me cold, watch in stand still the silence
the beat of my poor child in his mother's womb
for him to be born is to sleep in a tomb
We will see you soon, when Daddy and Mommy
only wanted to Love and Protect you
Even before we met, all my life ive been in love with you
I only wanted to watch as the years passed to guide you
and at night sing songs to you
watch when you took your first step, wep and when
you reached "you terrible two"
Now Daddy is the one to Weep, never to watch your first step
and only wake to see my son's last breath
A climax of pain, close to my own death
because I only wanted the best
No suffering, no pain, no surgeries, no tests
my son is a human not an experiment
and my son MANUEL I will bury you, you will
you will lay in your tomb with the pictures of your
family that dearly loves you
So after, when the time when I pass and reach the heavens gates
& meet my fate
I will be seen walking the clouds
seeing people living; living their own eternal life now
beyond being earthbound
because we reached heaven, were years are only seconds
and as I walk, passing the people who on earth died
I see the world with my new eyes...A child playing
with other kids,
smiling at the fun of being kids
....WHen one looks at me, slants his head slightly
and brings out a picture from his pocket
and stares at it staringly
..AND runs and Yells to me, hugs and kisses me
Because, because he found his DADDY
DAddy loves you (7/31/2007)
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