Monday, February 18, 2008

AWake in smile

Cigarette to my lips, inhale
Stare to my world one day considered a myth
I ask for no glory, only to be heard,
become legendary in children’s story &
awake in smile in the morning.
Out and about to my journey, walking the bloody concrete
Demise caused their defeat, yet they smile at me,
for I have a chance to breathe.... I proceed
exiled in reality, in sleep im aroused to my dream
my head laid to the clouds without wings
Fluff one as a pillow, heard echoing taunts of chanting
Inhabit this state is what asking
Not eyes in disguise, plagued in daily lives
Speak not lies, nor am I wise, for to know it all,
is admitted less decisive of all minds
Time I cannot rewind, but be, see reflection of me elderly
Sitting reclined, looking behind to my once Athenian society
A chapter written in someone’s story

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